What feels like it bothers most like you.

Increasing numbers are willing to discuss mental health.

Often cultural taboos stop friends/ family listening.

Can feel great pressure to succeed in school or work.

Also struggle to ignore unrealistic standards in social media.

Frustrated by the widespread shortage of groups able to help.

Many are passionate about the problem of pollution.

There’s also concern about possible global warming.

Deforestation and the use of certain chemicals now seem to harm the Ozone layer less.

People are still concerned about harm to future generations, though

Worried about poor quality/ unhelpful education.

Have concerns about it’s cost and availability.

Worried about job prospects, in a rapidly changing world.

Many are aware of discrimiantion towards themself or others.

They see unequal treatment of people, based on race, religion, money, disability, sex or gender identity. They seek inclusivity.

Freqent exposure of political figures’ hypocracy, makes people unsure changes will be made fairly.

What is found to bother most like you!

Security (stability) We benefit from trusting we are secure.

knowing how things might be in the future is important.

It helps us to feel stable about relationships, housing, food, the community, our country or world.

We may try to meet that need in a healthy or unhealthy way.


Look at the way you find security about the future (if any!) then consider if it harms other areas of your life. (e.g consulting a fortune teller may harm your finances).

Friendships (love/relationships) We aren’t solitary creatures (like Tigers).  We are pack animals (like Lions).

How we fit or don’t fit in our tribe or family matters to us.

The ways we try to fix this can be good or bad for us.


Look at the way you meet the strong need for relationship (if any!) then consider if it harms other areas of your life (e.g getting with “the wrong crowd” or staying in an abusive relationship between partners or parent-child).

Self-Essteem (confidence) A growing sense of self-confidence (not always independence) is crucial.

Two ways to build self-confidence are expressive arts & increasing independence.

Increasing self-sufficiency is great but we need more. Self-expression and dealing with anxiety is vital.

This is even confusing to some doctors.


Look at the way you build your confidence (if any!) then consider if it harms other areas of your life. (e.g The buzz of building muscles at the gym may prevent you meeting friends and your confidence will suffer if you’re too ill to attend anyway).

World view (sense of place) Our sense of value is often dependent on understanding our role in life.

These roles may be implied by our culture.  Sometimes this solution fails though and we have crisis.

The ways we get a sense of purpose & role, may cause us to undermine those who don’t agree.

This can cause us to only relate with those sharing our view. If views ever change though, we have crisis again.


Look at the way you find role or “place in life” (if any!) then consider if it harms other areas of your life. (e.g if your role is “parent” then emotional crisis can add to the difficulties of divorce or children leaving home. Some world-views will isolate you now, but promise reward in the future. A world view doing that, is abusive to who you are NOW).

Not Alone:

All people have similar struggles. Like them, you CAN be recreated. There’s a future beyond the ordeals. There’s other people who’ll feel privileged to help. At your worst, you are still valuable to others. Anything less you feel, I think is sick & ignores the best in humans.